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  • Feline Behavior Therapy
    My mission is to collaborate together with you, the owners, and develop together tools and strategies to: care for and living together with your feline companions peacefully, symbiotically and with optimum health.
  • Who am I

    Who am I

    My name is Jonne Kramer. Since my childhood, I have enjoyed the companionship of cats. I have four adopted cats: Fripp, Eno, Peter and Madison. I have completed a Master's degree in Biology at Amsterdam University VU.
  • Complimentary Consultation

    Complimentary Consultation

    My approach is distinguished by a relaxed way of working with you, looking together for solutions to manage your cat's unwanted behavior. I apply my knowledge and experience for sound solutions and personalized advice.
  • Services


    I invite you to contact me to discuss any cat related issues.
  • Contact


    Please reach out to me for any feline behavior questions using phone, e-mail or WhatsApp: +31 (0)6 44 81 44 93 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • Charitable Activities

    Charitable Activities

    Local rehousing centers house lot of cats in my area. I support these by (re-)socializing (re) cats with severe behavioral problems. I specialize in in cats that show excessive fear or aggression, but I also support the team by recognizing health problems, and optimize living arrangements for elderly cats, and other cats with special needs.
  • Testimonials

    No obligations

    Please contact me through +31 6 4481 4493 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.